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Small business accountant in Melbourne tells you why digital is better than paper

Are you still doing accounting on paper? Time for change! You need to move from paper to digital. Read on to find out why small businesses should go digital.

Instead of copying and referring to this paper and that paper, going digital only requires you to click a few buttons to generate reports with data that you’ve input before. You get real-time access to updated financial information and everything is properly stored in where they are supposed to be. All the data that you put into the accounting software can analysed and generated into different types of reports too.

With better organisation, productivity and speed increases too. Your boss is in a rush, he or she needs the balance sheet now! Think about the few minutes you need to spend in order to print a report out if you go digital.

One thing about paper is that overtime ink fades off. Other than that, think of the space you need to store them and also the risk of the documents being stolen. How many copies can you back up and store? But if you are doing accounting digitally, you always have backups, and extra security to who can access the confidential information. Of course, you don’t need another storage space for the boxes of paper.

Talking about accessibility, going digital allows you and other employees to access financial documents on their computers with authorisation. With authrorisation, it means that you can decide who can access what and who cannot. No one will have to come to your desk and ask you to look up for this and that financial statement. 

Forget about the boxes and boxes of paper and forget about the time you need to spend digging the boxes for an old entry! Going digital makes your small business more organised and retrieve important information is never a hassle anymore. It might be troublesome to start, but over the long term, it is all worth it.

If you are looking for someone to help, contact mas soon! Based in Sydney and Melbourne, we are a group of professional accountants who are passionate in taking off the accounting burden off our clients.

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