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How to get clients to pay you on time, by your small business accountants in Melbourne

One of the most difficult things for every small business owner to do is to get paid on time and ensure that this happens with every client that they have. That is why our small business accountants in Melbourne have come up with a way for you to get your clients to pay you on time.

5 simple things that our small business accountants in Southbank believe you should be taking on board:

1. Be open to new ways of business and embrace the cloud accounting side of things that will allow for your business to advance in today’s world
2. Always and we mean always invoice on time! If you are late with your own invoicing then you should be expected to be paid late
3. You can always offer incentives for people who want to pay you early, this can include a discount on their next purchase
4. Always keep a detailed audit trail, by this we want you to trace your bills, invoices and all important legal documents
5. Did you know that a lot of customers who haven’t paid you don’t even know that they haven’t paid you? That is why it is extremely important for you to have open line communication with all of your clients and you need to keep them updated

If you’re a small business or an existing business, our small business accountants in Melbourne’s CBD are here to help you put your business on the right track. So let’s get those invoices sorted and the cash flow should become liquid gold!

As always, feel free to contact our small business accountants in Melbourne with any questions that you may have.

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