April 2017 Newsletter

Ride-sharing drivers must register for GST
In a recent decision, the Federal Court has held that the UberX service supplied by Uber’s drivers constitutes the supply of “taxi travel” for the purposes of GST...
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Tax offset for spouse super contributions: changes from 1 July 2017
The ATO has reminded taxpayers that that the assessable income threshold for claiming a tax offset for contributions made to a spouse’s eligible superannuation fund will increase...
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ATO targets restaurants and cafes, hair and beauty businesses in cash economy crackdown
The ATO will visit more than 400 businesses across Perth and Canberra in April as part of a campaign to help small businesses stay on top of their tax affairs. The primary focus is on businesses...
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Super reforms: AUD1,600,000 transfer balance cap and death benefit pensions
Where a taxpayer has amounts remaining in superannuation when they die, their death creates a compulsory cashing requirement for the superannuation provider. This means the superannuation...
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No deduction for carried-forward company losses
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has ruled that a company was not entitled to deductions for carried-forward losses of over $25 million that it incurred in the 1990 to 1995 income years...
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Overseas income not exempt from Australian income tax
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has agreed with the ATO’s decision that income a tapayer earned when working for the United States Army was not exempt from Australian income tax...
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GST on low-value imported goods
A Bill introduced into Parliament in February proposes to make Australian goods and services tax (GST) payable on supplies of items worth less than A$1,000 (known as “low value goods”) that...
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Alternative assessments not tentative: Federal Court
The Federal Court has found that a company’s tax assessments were not tentative or provisional, and therefore were valid...
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