December 2017 Newsletter
Total superannuation balances and pension transfer balance account reports

The concept of a person’s “total superannuation balance” is now being used to determine whether you are eligible for various super concessions, including the $1.6 million balance limit for non-concessional contributions, Federal Government co-contributions, the spouse contributions tax offset, carrying forward unused concessional contributions and self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) segregation.
The ATO has recently agreed to modify the reporting obligation for total superannuation balances, recognising that some funds are not in a position to correctly report their correct accumulation phase value for 30 June 2017.
The ATO has also set out when superannuation providers and life insurance companies must lodge transfer balance account reports. The ATO will use the reports to determine if individuals have exceeded their pension transfer balance cap.
An administrative concession will be provided for self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs), allowing later reporting to help the funds transition to event-based transfer balance cap reporting.
TIP: Super shouldn’t be a “set and forget” arrangement. It’s important to revisit your strategy and consider it carefully, especially in light of the wide range of super changes announced in this year’s Federal Budget.