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Should I Hire An Accountant Outside Of My Business?

Being a small business owner or if you are about to open a business up, we can guarantee you that one of the first problems you will encounter is accounting. Depending on your structure and the employees’ strengths, you may already have an employee who is qualified to do your business’ accounting for you. In this case, it makes it somewhat easier because you have an internal accountant to help you with all things to do with accounting. However, if you are on the fence about whether you should hire an outside accountant, this one is for you. Having an outside professional to do your small business accounting can offer many benefits to your company, here are just 6 different reasons how:

New Pair Of Eyes
An outside accountant will bring in a new perspective for your business and tell you how they feel from the lens of an outsider - this perhaps is one of the main advantages of an outside accountant rather than an internal one. This is highly effective when you want the accountant to play a business advisory role so that you can see if the direction your business is heading to is good and if you’re on the right track. Sometimes because an internal accountant knows the ropes of your company, they understand exactly what you’re saying. But an external accountant will ask you to justify and explain which allows you to iron out the specifics and have a clearer vision to reach your business goals.

As they are professionals, external accountants can provide you with their expertise. These accountants more than likely, have had experience working with other clients so they are aware of how to deal with different kinds of clients and anticipate the problems that may be encountered. This will be highly effective in the long run to prevent things from happening before it becomes too late.

Helping You Cut Down On Your Expenses
When you’re dealing with an external worker, you do not need to worry about providing them employee-related benefits which, if you think about it, will help you cut down on your expenses and keep your expenditure to a minimum.

With an internal accountant, they will most likely be biased towards the company - whether this is consciously or not. As they are working within the company, there may be issues of being straightforward and cut-throat with advice. This would not be a problem with external professional accountants because they have experience communicating with clients well and being transparent.

Need A Small Business Accountant?
If you’re looking for a small business accountant in Sydney or Zetland, M.A.S Partners is here for you. M.A.S Partners is dedicated to giving you a little time for yourself. If you would like to speak with our team about the services we offer and what we can do for you, call us on (02) 9211 5000 or visit our website at


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