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Practical Accounting Tips to Get Your Finances In Check

Every small business owner understands the importance of effectively managing their finances. Without adequate financial management, it is difficult for any business to grow effectively. With such importance, you would think that more people would have the finances in check. Obviously, there are specific accounting tips that will help you, such as creating a realistic budget, separating personal and business assets, and having accurate records; but many business owners do not know exactly where to start. We at M.A.S Partners, the leading small business accounting firm in Sydney Zetland, understand how many businesses fail in their accounting, and have provided some practical tips to help you get started.

Learn How to Use Accounting Tools

In order to keep accurate accounting records, it is important that you use an effective accounting tool. Learning how to use accounting software is highly pertinent in organising all your business’ accountant reports. An effective tool can automate and streamline time-intensive tasks such as data entry, bank reconciliation, and invoices. In doing so, it cuts labour costs, and decreases the risk of human error in your reports. Popular accounting software include XERO and MYOB. Most accounting firms work with XERO due it being more accessible and has more features, however MYOB has an easier learning curve. Regardless of which software you choose to use, it is important that you learn how to use it effectively, and that you keep all your accounting records on the software. This way, all your financial and accounting records are organised and kept in one place, to easily be analysed. It does not matter exactly what accounting software you use, as long as you know how to use it effectively- so take your time to learn all the features.

Have Metrics of Success for Your Objectives

Everybody knows the impact setting up goals in your financial plan can make. When running a business, it is not only important to have a plan with objectives, but you should also have metrics of success. As a business owner, you need to understand what areas you need to improve in, and by how much. If the goal is to improve annual revenue, you should start by stating by exactly how much- which will also help with your budgeting. By setting metrics of success, you are able to better plan for the future.

Hire a Small Business Accountant

This may seem obvious, but the most effective way to manage your finances is to hire an accountant. With an accountant, you are able to focus on other tasks that require your expertise- leaving all the tedious tasks to the professionals. Our small business accountants at M.A.S help hundreds of businesses manage their finances. Either through our advice or our bookkeeping, we are here to help. For more information on our small business accounting services, click here.

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